This afternoon a small group of children saw them and ran over to investigate, naturally the hens turned and ran straight back through the gate into the area where they live.
The children were interested to follow as they watched and pointed through the fence. Tom asked if we could go to see them. Ke tahi te whakaaro pai - Thats a good idea.
Ashleigh was able to catch Brownie and we sat around together patting and describing the way her feathers felt. "Brown feather" Kathy said as she stroked Brownie.
Caleb, Bailee and Jacob took much pride in gathering wheat in their hands and holding it out for Brownie to peck off. Laughter was heard as each piece of wheat was taken with a peck from their hands, a funny feeling was felt with the quick tap of Brownie's beak on each hand.
This experience is an example of this group of children showing manaakitanga/care and respect toward our hens while finding humour together as the wheat was pecked from their hands.