Thursday, 21 August 2014

Learning through play

On Tuesday our afternoon children had fun exploring some different activities Liz had set up for them. 
They explored mixing colours, using eye droppers to sqeeze the water up and then drop it into lots of small little compartments in a special vase Liz had brought from home. 

The children were predicting what was going to happen as they dropped different coloured water into the other colours. They spent long periods of time using their fine motor skills to squeeze the eye dropper to collect then release the water. Concentration was key to getting the water into the small vases as they worked alongside each other. 

Fine motor skills were also needed to explore the marble activity Liz had set out as they children used the tongs to pick up the marbles and place them into different compartments and into the tubes. 
Children showed real joy as they watched the marbles roll in different directions after piling the marbles up in the tube and then lifted the tube to release them.
This is great, he rawe tēnā!

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