Friday, 1 August 2014

Lets play hockey!

Recently we have borrowed some resources from WAVE that is run by the South Canterbury District Health Board, children have enjoyed using these resources and today were introduced to a bag of hockey sticks and balls.

Some children got a stick from the bag and began to use them to move the ball around. Some children pushed the ball around on their stick while others hit it as hard as they could. Ashleigh (our very own hockey player) supported the children to hold their stick in the 'right' way to support their strength when holding the stick.

After spending some time exploring the possibilities with the sticks Ashleigh decided that it was time for a team talk after noticing lots of children swinging their sticks above their heads. So we all gathered together and talked about using the hockey sticks in a safe way, all suggesting ways that we can keep ourselves and others safe - we linked this to one of our key values here at Kindergarten manaakitanga/care and respect. 

It wasn't long before we began making plans for tomorrow (or next week):
-  children decided that we needed numbers to make teams. Jed said we need paper and pens to do this.
-  we need two teams that are different colours
-  Isaac said he wants to be the captain

He pai koe ki te whakaaro pēnā - Thats good thinking!

So next week the teaching team are going to use have these pn offer to play with while using the children's ideas outlined above. We will remind them of these and help build upon their ideas and understandings of what it means to be a team/in a team and even be the captain of a team.

Keep an eye out next week to see where the children take this interest.

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