Today was a wonderful day at Kindergarten where we were able to reap the reward of our hard work. Ashleigh went out to the potatoe patch with the children and together they decided it was time to harvest the potatoes that we planted so long ago. So out came the spades and a digging we went, what we found was so surprising where we had planted one small seed potatoe now there was many wow. Nature is such a wonderful and mysterious thing! The children responded with such wonderment and awe the expressions on thier faces said it all. Gardening is such a wonderful life lesson teaching us all the values of precision, time, patience, continued care, persistence, working together and celebration.

Then on Friday we really got to enjoy our potatoes, we washed them up, peeled them and chopped them into chips. The children helped to prepare the potatoes it was really tricky to peel the potatoes but with some persistence and problem solving we got there in the end, next we chopped them up rubbed in some oil and into the oven they went.
Last but not least it was time to eat. Yum Yum they were delishious! What a fabulous process to follow from start to finish. Good things take time!
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