Tracey shared with the engaged group , that was a song she sang to her children when they were little and recently for her birthday they had sung it back to her in harmony.
This new word " harmony" created some interest so we decided to explore it further by skyping Tracey's daughter Annalise and friend Ben who are studying through NASDA ( NZ Performing Arts School) and see if we could sing the melody while they created the harmony.
We had to persevere with holding the melody,that was easy when that's all we could hear but this new challenge of the harmony being sung at the same time meant we had to really strive for accuracy and listen with real intent.Āe mārika ,How about that!
We were good !! A little bit of practice , listening carefully to timing and pitch ,we were ready to perform on Broadway! " Do you want to be a fan? Do you want to be a start?" Jess asked all her friends she gathered up to be involved .
We were all of these!