Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Persevering to Learn New Jump Jam Routines

This morning a group of children showed an interest in our new Jump Jam routines. 
A small group of children gathered on the mat watching and listening to the new songs with interest.
Almost immediately children started moving their hips, bending their knees or moving their body around the mat to the sound of the music. And it wasn't long before they had taken responsible risks by trying out the new dance moves that were showing on the projector screen.

Wintrow, Liam and Micah stayed engaged for a long period of time, dancing to one song after another, selecting on the ipad which song they would like to groove to after each song had finished. It was clear that the boys were captivated by the music and dance moves that were shared on the projector screen, spending time to try new dance moves and have fun doing so together.
Meanwhile Ruby, Emma and Molly who had been joining in on the dancing fun decided to have morning tea. But the music got the better of them while sitting around the table together, they just had to move in their seats or stand up and try out some of the new moves!

As the week goes on all of the new songs will be introduced to the children at kotahitanga, allowing everyone to take a responsible risk and give them a go!

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