Monday, 14 September 2015

Afternoon Session Excursion to the Garden Centre

This afternoon was a perfect opportunity to take the small group at kindergarten on a walk down to our local garden centre. It was a great opportunity to take the children who attend our afternoon session on their very first walk outside of kindergarten.
The children lined up at the gate, ready and waiting to go. Becasue it was the first walk outside of kindergarten for this group of children we took the time to have a discussion about keeping ourselvces safe at what this looked like. For example, walking along the foorpath and holding the hand of an adult or teacher along the way.
On our walk down the street to the garden centre children chatted away and showed much interest in the big noisey rubbish truck that was emptying bins on the other side of the road! And then we were there - we had arrived at the Geraldine Garden Centre. 

Once inside we found our way toward the trays of flowers and teachers encouraged the children to stop and take a look at the flowers in front of them. There were labels that helped the children to choose which types they wanted to take back to kindergarten to plant in our much admired tyre gardens.

Ruby and Paxton took responsibility for carrying the plants we had chosen and placing them up onto the counter so that we could pay for them.

On returning to kindergarten a small group of children followed through with the planting of the flowers we had chosen, digging holes and placing the plants inside before giving them a big water. Tumeke - Fantastic. A great way to show manaakitanga/care and respect to the flowers that we grow here at kindergarten. 

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