Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Exploring the Manu/birds of our Forest

Heather introduced a large card drawing of familiar birds we see in our environment. It was only last week that Ashleigh and I both spent some time with the children to watch a kererū/pigeon sit upon a high branch in the tree. We watched it as it moved its head around to look down on us and noticed the long claws that wrapped around the branch to enable it to sit tightly.
The card drawing has enabled the children to draw upon what they know and be creative to make our own kererū manu/bird.

To explore birds even further Heather took a walk today with a small group of children down to the river track to listen and observe some more and collect treasures from the floor of the track. Kātahi te wakaaro pai - That's a good idea!
With support from adults they could hear different sounds and build an awareness that each bird has its own sound. They saw lots of little brown birds far away and Heather suggested they could be wax eyes but recognised the sound of a bellbird. 
Could that be our next bird we can transfer to card and look for the colours that define our special manu in and around our community?

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