Monday, 16 March 2015

Playing Card Games

This morning children spent quite some time playing a new game, Spot it!
Two cards are played and each card only has one picture that matches a picture on another card. 
Have a go, to see if you can find the matching pictures on the card below!

When we first started playing it took a while, but as the children continued to play they got better and better at finding the matching image or word - they really had to persevere! Other children began to show some curiosity, and it didn't take long for them to become involved.
The children were encouraged to say the name of the image they had found was the same on each card, so that their friends could see it as well. This meant that they had to practice managing their impulsivity, by not picking up the cards until we could all see - this was quite hard as it was so exciting each time we found a match!

It wasn't long before the group requested that we play snap, a game that had been played last week. The children took responsibility for handing out the cards so that each person had a pile before beginning the game. Little teacher support was needed as the group took turns and supported each other with the 'rules' of the game. Kua mahi kaha koe - You have worked hard! Snap continued to be played for along period of time with some children choosing to leave and others joining. 

The teachers will ensure that cards games are availabe for children to play each day if they choose. We will have a variety of games available that the children may like to learn about, or even share their knowledge and expertise from playing card games at home.

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