Monday, 16 February 2015

Who is Hayden Paddon?

Some of our morning children have been using their creative skills to build a " fast " racing car . A quick comment from Tracey then generated a week of research and building of racing cars , improving the specs each day . " Wow that looks like the kind of rally car Hayden Paddon would be interested in driving in a race"
" Who is Hayden Paddon?" Murphey then enquired sparking the interest that was sustained all last week and continues to be explored in to this . 
Alongside the creative planning of the next Hayden Paddon racing car , came exploring the world map when we learned from Hayden's website that he was currently racing in Sweden ( where it was snowing) 
So this morning Archie researched some tyres that he thought would be ideal for his bike at home in the snow and Hayden's new racing car he was about to build him . 
Tom supported him with ideas that he transfered from his experience last week . It was a lovely example of ako in action where a simple comment intentionally shared by a teacher has resulted in children learning alongside one another and sharing their new knowledge with others. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog.Good Activiities.
    Good to see kids having fun.
    i know a PreSchool where kids learn and have fun same way.
    Keep Updating.
