Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Kindergarten Bakery

Last week a group of children visited the supermarket bakery and it was great to revisit the activity to make some dough and bake it in the bread machine that Janet (EC Student)  brought from home. 

 Very cleverly, Janet made a grid on the cooking paper and placed the prepared dough on each one. Janet smiled when she said that it helped her to remember whose was who's. Great strategy!

It was overwhelming at the beginning as a lot of the children that went on the visit returned to particpate in the dough making experience. 

But even children like Kherrah, who was having her first morning at kindergarten, smelt the smells and came investigating! Kherrah made her own bun too!
Mason contributed by making the most and then shared the bread with others -  ka pai mo to mahi! Great work!

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