Ashleigh spent some time explaining to some of the children that we write our names on the back of a piece of paper, then place it on the machine, pushing the start button to make the machine spin, the exciting part was squirting the paint onto the paper and then using a paint brush to spread it around as the record player spun. After a period of time the children took over Ashleigh's kaiako/ teacher role and taught each other how to paint with this exciting piece of equipment. As the children discovered more about the machine they found a speed button, discovering that they could make it spin faster or slower as they painted their pictures, lots of experimenting on how this would effect the look of each picture was seen happening. This is very creative ,he tino auaha tēnei
As children managed their impulsivity as they waited for a turn parents and the children explored what the record player originally was used for, some saying it was for big CDs to go on, there was mention of how that is how parents used to listen to their music, the children thought this was very funny.
Outside the exploration continued with some children exploring painting ice. They were very interested in how the paint looked and what happened to the colours as they painted the ice and it began to melt. The children spent a period of time exploring painting the holes and cavities that formed as the ice melted. Ben shared "we are exploring" as the painted different colours onto the last small bits of ice. What fantastic fun was had as the children explored different ways to paint.