Friday, 23 May 2014

Returning to play with the boxes

After being given two gigantic boxes yesterday, children immediately returned to play with them this morning. One box had been set up with bean bags, crockery, and books - after a short time the children decided that they were going to move house and shifted every item from this box to the other one where they set up their house!

 Moving house was a big job - everyone helped out carrying small items and then all working together by carring the table, bed and book basket. 

Not long after group of boys came across the empty box and decided they were going to turn it into a skate park. Ketahi te whakaaro pai - That's a good idea. Part of the box was squashed so that a ramp could be made - how creative!! A lot of fun was had sliding down different ramps, everyone negotiating their turn while ensuring that they showed manaakitanga(care and respect) to ensure the safety of everyone.

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