Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Problem Solving to help a Friend, Mahi tahi, working together.

Yesterday Ashleigh and Heather noticed James up on a box, calling out for help from the teachers, but we were encouraging him to do some problem solving to see if he could get down. Portia took it apon herself to problem solve to help James climb down. 

"Get down from there" George called out to James.

"I know, but I don't know how i'm getting up to help" Portia answered to George as she tried to climb up the window to help James out.

"I'm going to have a turn" Will said walking over to have a turn climbing up the window.

"Okay then get up and get James down from there" Portia said to Will 

"I think its a bit slippery for me to get up there" Will said after climbing up to have a look at the top surface James was standing on

"But how will I get up there to get him down.... Jaaaamesssss, just get down here right down the window" Portia said

"I've got a good idea, what about if we get a ladder and put the steps just right here" an idea Portia shared with Will. That’s good thinking, he pai koe ki te whakaaro pena.

"I'll go get Jed" Portia said and ran off to find him to help.

It wasn't long before Portia returned with Jed, who had ropes in his hands to help and work with Porti to get James down from the top of the white box. Together they discussed more plans, most suggested by Jed were some that Portia had already suggested to James, Will and George!

It wasnt long before James had managed to follow Jed from the top of the box to successfully get back onto the ground. 

The children did a fantastic job working together to help a friend in need.

We are problem solvers,ngā tamariki kaipororaru whakatika


1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic team of helpers for James to have the confidence to climb down from the box.
