Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Giving it a go!

Children watched with anticipation as the delivery lady arrived this morning carrying a large object covered in a dark blanket!
"What is it?" the children all asked.

It wasn't just any new toy, it was some handled monkey bars! 
"Where is it going to go?" some children asked
"I know.. inside" said George
"No, on the stones" said Lilley

A large group of children lined up as Heather and Gael placed it safely inside the boxes - it was so exciting!!

Lilley had the first turn, swinging down off the boxes and making her way across."I know how to do that" she said after making her way half way across.... "Because my big brother has them at his school!"

Each child continued to give it a go, and everyone showed their individual abilities as they made it some of the way across, to the first handle or even all the way to the end!
Children displayed great amounts of confidence as they gave it a go - all climbing back to the top to have another turn.
We heard other waiting in line saying "keep going... you can do it!!".

And Riley did do it!!

Lets watch together as children take risks together, set goals and persevere with determination to achieve success!

Kaua ma te waewae tutuki, engari ma te upoko pakaru 

Persevere with determination, don't be put off by obstacles!

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