Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Musical Visitors

To start our last week of term we had a visit from some friends of ours, who have a special talent - ukulele playing! Together the group played and sung Christmas songs for us, and of course we couldn't help but join in.
Away in a Manger
 Jingle Bells - children join in by singing along and playing their bells
Faliz Navidad - especially enjoyed by Demian
Silent Night
Little Drummer Boy
And many more....
We were so lucky to have our local musicians come along and share some Christmas cheer with us. It was wonderful to see our children enjoy this concert and be the audience after their Christmas singing last week, swinging to the music, tapping their hands on their legs and playing their imaginary drums.
Once the song, music and dancing was over children thanked their visitors by performing a Christmas favorite - Tick Tock, Tick Tock (a High 5 Christmas song) to their guests. 

Merri Kirihimete - Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Awww…. great pics! We totally loved singing with them all :-)
