Tuesday, 26 November 2013


We had work to do ! The sandpit cupboard needed cleaning out well and truly, and I had the right team to help me with the task- Lincoln, Riley, Will and Alex Sherrif  and Alex Croft. When we takaro kotou/ play work together we can achieve so much more, the boys took everything out  we had a chain gang going at one stage, then the sand was swept from the cupboard, next it was time to categorise the equipment and finally put it back in the cupboard, after discussion, deciding where things fitted best and how they should be placed. The boys were totally focussed on the job at hand. I remember hearing Pat Penrose from NZ Playcentre Association speaking and referring to observations that boys will talk more while working alongside each other or with an adult rather than face to face with nothing else happening, it certainly seemed to be the case in the sandpit . A few days later we noticed the potted hydrangea was well over due for planting out, we talked about it’s leaves looking dry and brittle and a little yellow. Interestingly some of the boys involved in the sandpit ‘working bee’ were there, Jacob and Amethyst joined us too, they helped to dig the hole, tease out the roots then firmed the soil around the hydrangea and water it, the young trees for our hedge were watered too. The children worked together happily having a shared purpose. I heard Lincoln telling some children not to chase the bantams. He pai ki ahau to manaaki i a/ I like the way you looked after the bantams Lincoln. At kindergarten we have been exploring Manaakitanga, the way we give protection, show respect, blessings or kindness. I am proud to see evidence of this behaviour at Geraldine Kindergarten.


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