Monday, 18 November 2013

James Dad Comes to Visit - A Rural Firefighter!

This afternoon James' Dad Andrew came to visit. 
James was very proud to have him come along and share about his job as a fire fighter. 

Andrew bought some of his fire fighting equipment with him....
-a pump
- a fire helmet
- overalls
-a big green bag with hoses in it

The children enjoyed listening to Andrew talk about his equipment, then looking at and even holding them - some of them were very heavy! James took on the responsibility of carrying some of the equipment around the mat for his friends to have a closer look at -  He rawe tēnā - This is great!

It was interesting to find out that fire fighters don't just use hoses to put fires out. They also carry equipment like spades and garden folks with them to smother a fire with dirt. 
I wonder if our very own fire fighters at Geraldine Kindergarten will start using this technique to put out their fires?

Once Andrew had shared with us about his job the children decided it would be a good idea to sing one of our fire songs, so together we shared Fire Truck by Ivan Ulz - a wonderful thank-you!
So thank-you Andrew for coming to share your expertise with us. It is great to be able to have you come in and share with us exactly what it is that fire fighters do to help build on the interests of our children.

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! 
What is the most important thing in the world?  It is the people! It is the people!  It is the people!

1 comment:

  1. Go Andrew! Look at the face of James. Proud as Punch!
