Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Excitement, laughter and exploration in the sandpit.

There was great excitement in the sandpit this-afternoon, shared laughter and excitement was the order of the day. Billy was in awe of the water flowing while the group busily dug channels. Guy shrieked excitedly and jumped up and down time after time with sheer delight, as the water filled the holes almost as quickly as they were dug. He was keen to fill the pipe and took the task very seriously though, moving it to make the water flow faster. "Look it's coming out of the pipe, hurry here it comes" Billy was amazed at how fast the water covered the roller." oh my goodness, oh my goodness" exclaimed Dylan when the water seemed to be chasing his feet. He repeatedly, moved and dug moved and dug.

There was lots of learning happening through problem posing and solving: tilting the pipe, altering the flow of water, digging deeper holes or shallower channels. But just as important was the way the children were working together, enjoying the tactile experience of wet sand and water, taking turns at leading the play, listening to each others ideas, sharing equipment, being expressive and enthusiastic- having fun !.
E hara taku toa, I te toa takitahi Ä“ngari he toa taku tini
My strength is not from myself alone, but from the strength of the group.

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