This morning Reuben and his Dad arrived at Kindergarten with a van full of wooden frames they had put together for us to create a new whare with here at Kindergarten.
First we all helped to carry the wood down the path so that it could all be laid out and put together.
Everyone helped to problem solve as we used the numbers on each corner of wood to match those that were on the floor - we called this the plan.
Next was the part we had all been waiting for - using the big power drill to drill each screw in. We each had a few turns at drilling in the nails that were needed to hold our new whare together.
Perseverance was key in this learning experience as everyone had to wait for a turn with the drill and it took a lot of time to put each wall on before we were able to have the whare completed. For this to happen quickly we had to communicate with clarity and precision as we worked as a team to put it all together. It didn't take long before we were able to play on the whare just like our old one.
Thanks Glenn for taking the time to come and help us put this together, we really enjoy the influence your expertise has on our learning - especially learning about the new equipment that you introduce to us!
Tēnā koe mō tō awhi – Thank you for your help
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