Although the morning was a little drizzly we decided to go ahead with our trip to Peel Forest as planned. What a wonderful opportunity to see the native bush with droplets of water gently splashing down from leaf to leaf. the birds were happy to be out and singing, especially the fantails and bellbirds. Thank you to all our family/whanau helpers, without your support we wouldn't be able to take the children into such a beautiful and different environment. The sausages and bread were a welcome treat after the walk to the "big tree", not one left! The first group to hold hands around the big tree-head count of 26, the second group was 27, wow how close is that?

Sadly Mr Possum didn't make it to Peel Forest this time (he was left on the couch reading books) and he was not a happy chappy when we returned to Kindergarten. Amethyst said "look at the fog up there on those hills and look at the bananas" ( leaves yellowing) yes they did look like bananas. Find something small something big, something soft fluffy something hard.
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->Hāere
ra Peel Forest.We'll be back next year.
e koe ki te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei
the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty
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