Today the tamariki were showing some interesting resourcefulness and expertise with the bungees, trolleys and a scooter. Leo and Elliot were very creative with their use of a crate and a scooter board. Leo tucked himself under the scooter board with Elliot sitting on top. This is very creative. He tino auaha tēnei.
Then lots of persistence was shown as a bungy was attached to a scooter. Zac tried to stand the scooter up and run back to the trolley but the scooter didn't seem to stand up on it's own! It ended up being dragged behind. Ashleigh thought she would help out, wondering if it would work if she stood on it and let Zac tow her. It worked!
Alice decided she wanted a turn at being towed too. Zac's evolving ideas or working theories allowed others to be actively involved as well. Ensuring lots of open ended resources are available allow the tamariki to be motivated and try out their ideas.