Children spotted her out the gate coming toward kindergarten with all of her hoops in hand. Alice was running around telling everyone she had arrived, so we welcomed Hoop Lady and helped her inside with all of her hoops.
Together we joined in on a warm up, to warm up our muscles and prepare ourselves for some exercise with a hoop each! Initially we experimented with the different ways we could use a hoop, stepping in the middle, on different parts of our body and around out body. Ko te korikori tinana he pai mō te hauora - Exercise helps us stay healthy. A great way for us to use our gross motor skills and help to strengthen these while having fun.
We joined in on a game pretending to be caterpillars crawling through a large tunnel, around and around. Before growing some wings and turning into a butterfly, where we used a hoop to resemble wings on the back of our arms!
After Hoop Lady had left children enjoyed using our kindergarten hoops outside to experiment further and practise some of what they had learnt using hoops. A group of children enjoyed rolling the hoops in front of them across a beam and then down the other side again.