Thursday, 29 January 2015

Finding Humour!

We began the week with the temperatures soaring into the 30's  and water play was eagerly particpated in.
On Tuesday afternoon the sandpit had a body of water ready in the blue container but  the children took awahile to realise its existence!  But when they saw  the water the buckets were in overdrive, tipping the water into the sand!

Once the pools were made Tyla and Elliot stepped carefully in the cool water and managed their impulsivity by  sitting on the edge dappling their feet in.

And others kept pouring, getting excitied to see the water trickle into another pool of water!

James had his own idea and very politely asked Heather if he could 'sit in it'  who thought that  he was  asking to 'dig in it' and said, "yes James of course you can!"
James gleefully sat  down and Heather then realised what he had asked!

We love finding humour with children, even laughing at ourselves!
                                 He pai ēnei kōrero hei whakakata i te tangata 
                                 (These stories are good to make people laugh)

Monday, 26 January 2015

Welcome back to 2015 at Kindergarten!

The weather has been great over the holidays and hope that everyone enjoyed the break as we venture into a new year of many fun activities at the Kindergarten.
The first day back has been absolutely lovely as we greeted new families and reconnected with our  existing whānau.  

The children settled with their friends and found new things to explore like the bones but also returned to what they like doing last year like the bungey jump!
George explained during the morning of what they were doing,
"We persevere playing our police game!"

But significantly for the day, we  could see the children really enjoying seeing each other again as we so enjoyed being back with them!
Thank you to all our families for sharing your children with us as our adventure for Geraldine Kindergarten begins for 2015!
Ka tata mai, ka piri e, ka tino to here o te whānau.
Come together, join as one, so that the tie may be strong of this family.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy Holidays to all!

The 21st of December was our last day at Kindergarten for 2014. We spent the day cleaning and tidying, making everything fresh for the new year. The children enjoy real jobs and are always keen to help, especially if there is water involved. He pai to awhina, its good that you help. The sandpit was a very industrious area and some of the children were very orderly in lining up and sorting the toys. What great manaakitanga/ care and respect the children displayed for their Kindergaten resources.
 Then later in the morning we took a break and celebrated our last day with pop corn and a movie! Some children were content to have a quick snack and break, before returning to play or helping with last day jobs. Others were quite content to get their lunch boxes and enjoy a very relaxing break!

We wish you all a wonderful summer break and happy holidays. Thank you to all our wonderful whānau and people who have supported us over the year. See you all on Monday 26th 2015.