Friday, 30 August 2013
Exploring mathematics/tukutuku
Althea,Rachel,Rose and Anna had a plan for Rose to share her korero/story. They decided to create a square with the chairs to create a hui space. They then wanted to be able to make visible how many chairs that allowed for others to join them ,once they had taken up their own space. That required some calculations and measuring of area. They accurately counted together how many chairs there were in total and how many that left for others to join them and then they documented this on a sign so that the symbol of the number it represented told others how many spare seats were available.
For over half an hour the four worked interdependently, using mathematical language to explore their challenge.
This is great he rawe tēnā!,
Monday, 26 August 2013
Thinking flexibly while striving for accuracy
Lately children have had some very creative and innovative ideas with their constructions in the art area and carpentry. They set themselves a goal and strive for accuracy to create the idea they have in their head. This requires a lot of perseverance and an ability to think flexibly ,thinking outside the square in terms of how they can get the result they are working towards.Fantastic! ,Tu meke
Today we had the book binder out that generated lots of interest and encouraged again childrens ability to strive for accuracy and think flexibly when it wouldn't work/.
Don’t give up! ,kaua e hemo!

Thursday, 22 August 2013
Rules of the Sandpit - Something to ponder!
Today I asked the children to talk to me about what rules we wanted in the sandpit - the theory behind asking the children is assuming when they make them they will follow them.
I was surprised with a rule that Mitchell came up with. He had spotted a cup that I was drinking from.
He said, "No coffee cups in the sandpit!"
I was caught out! Caught out because the children who contributed to the list of rules signed their name on the document. Mitchell wanted me to write his but as I was about to, he changed his mind, came over to explain how to write his 'M' and then decided to write it himself.
I expressed my gratitude and acknowledged how well he wrote his name and he responded immediately, "Your welcome!"
Children are capable and competent to take and be responsible and now its my responsibilty to not take a drink into the sandpit area so the children know that there rules are abided by. (This could be rather challenging but in following their ideas I actually get to know how challenging it is for them when we tell them what to do.)
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Heather has arrived!
We are happy to welcome Heather to Geraldine Kindergarten as a full time teacher. Please make yourself known to her as Heather is very excited to get to know the children and families.
Heather is a first year graduate and will be undertaking her Provisional Registration (a 2 year process) under the guidance of Tracey. You may remember that we have just celebrated Ashleigh's successful Registration earlier in Term 1.
Seesaw, seesaw!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013
An exciting delivery!
Yesterday afternoon something BIG and LONG and HEAVY arrived at Kindergarten on the back on Lindsay's truck! All of the children were lined up at the gate watching with excitement until Ben finally arrived and the action began as he helped lift it off and bring it into Kindergarten.
What is it you ask?
A brand new storage box for our sandpit toys!
As children walked in the gate this morning they stopped, pointed and commented on the new structure, sharing ideas around what it could be. We opened it up and together we put all of our sandpit toys inside.
Throughout the morning two children were found to be sweeping the top off the box "getting the sand off to look after it" - they were definitely presented with a kaitiaki badge!
What do you all think of our new piece of equipment?
A big thank you to Lindsay for your time :)
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Kaitiaki Recognised in Play
At out end of session mat time, our kaitiaki were recognised and congratulated on their wonderful efforts.
Most of these children were part of a large group in the sandpit. Every child completely immersed in their own play, while respecting the work of others alongside them - especially when all alongside each other in such a small space. Everyone was mindful of where they were putting resources they were using, while ensuring that they were moving carefully in the tight space so that others work was not damaged.
Joe was digging a big hole, and I heard him say that he wanted to dig it "deeper and deeper". With support and encouragement from others around him he was able to achieve his goal!
Tracey acknowledged the respectful work that everyone was engaged in this morning and congratulated them on being a kaitiaki – with one of our kaitiaki medals of course. Āe mārika - How about that!
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Celebrating our kaitiaki
To celebrate our kaitiaki ( our carers or guardians of our kindergarten environment and one another) we have created special medals with images of kaitiaki of the past such as Tane the guardian of the forest.
When children show care and respect( manaakitanga) in various ways they get to wear a special medal.
Today teachers were supporting children with recognising care and respect in play ( based on what they shared this morning when we all came together) but very soon we hope that our children will take responsibility for handing these out to their peers when they recognise manaakitanga in action.So this culture of care and respect is the responsibility of everyone who belongs here.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Althea sets herself a goal
Althea had decided something she wanted to learn more about at kindergarten was planting. She was very clear and articulate about what that would look like including the resources she would need" to find out how to plant seeds carefully and lo
ok after them"
Althea wanted to plant Snap Dragon seeds. Her interest in planting seeds was soon shared by others who all helped to plant a range of seeds that we can nurture inside over the cooler days until the weather warms up to transfer them outside.
We are going to be the caregivers/kaitiaki of our seeds, watering them and ensuring they have enough sun.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Firefighters to the Rescue!

Monday, 5 August 2013
Planting Our Garden
Last Friday Sandra took an enthusistic group of gardeners to our local plant shop for Nohonga tahitanga (our Friday visits into the community).
The children's interest was sustained over the weekend with them keen to get planting as soon as

they came in the gate.
Kaitiakitanga is based on the belief that people are responsible for caring for their natural resources and for nurturing them to sustain their existence.
Taking responsibility for buying, choosing,planting and nurturing what is in our gardens ,the children will take the role of the teina and care and protect our seeds so that they may grow and give us food and flowers for enjoyment and to feed us. Having responsibility for caring for our environment also promotes a sense of pride and belonging so that children truely believe that kindergarten is their place.

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