We need; scooters, hekmets, roller skates, roller blades, shin pads, socks, knee pads, elbow pads, skate boards, and water! We may need bandaids too!!!! So look out for a notice in the near future! Ka mutu pea- how great and wonderful!
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Challenging Carpenters!
When we get new pieces of wood from the sawmill the children are like bees to a honey pot!
Little groups are madly industrious with independent projects. Today we were surprised to watch Caylin come scooting around the path and take a jump over a wooden ramp that was made by Reuben and Alex!
The ramp had strength and safely raised for Caylin to have a wide grin and state,
"Did you see that! That was great fun!"
Boys in play! They love to try new ideas and we were amazed at the ingenuity of Reuben and Alex's idea and the skills that Caylin had to successfully ride up and allow the wheels to fly and land safely again on the other side (on concrete too!)
We had an idea too! The skatepark! Could we possibly organise a trip to the skatepark!
Reuben, Alex, Caylin and I got together and listed what we needed if we follow through with a trip to Kennedy Park;
Monday, 29 July 2013
Welcome Back to Term 3 2013
We hope that everyone had a fantastic break away. Last term we sadly said ka kite to Gael which mean there are changes in the teaching team for Term 3
Sandra is relieving and will be full time until a permanent teacher is appointed. It is so great to have Sandra with us because she knows the children already and she is quite excited to document the stories that was in Gael's group of children. So keep picking up your child's book to read any new stories and please feel free to add any comments, pictures or even talk about how your child is doing with any of us.
As a consequence of 3 full time teachers Liz joins us on a Tuesday and Friday.
Many thanks for supporting the Kindergarten and it was great to see everyone again today.
Don't forget our facebook page is up and running! 
It is with the most enormous gratitude to the Tilsley family for caring for our heihei(hens) over the term break. We heard the 'cock-a doodle-do' from the rooster today and the 3 of them all preening their feathers in the warm sunshine! They were happy! Kia ora!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Winter Lights Festival
Just a reminder of the Winter Lights on Friday night at 5pm.
The Home&Kindergarten group will have hot soup and sausages available as we gather together to walk around the town to look at the wonderful lights around the town.
If you are around please come down and enjoy the evening with us - if you haven't already had a peek look at the Kindergarten at night come and see! It is amazing!
Ka kite -see you there!
Friday, 12 July 2013
Trialing Facebook
At this stage we are not going to put children photos on (this may happen further down the track, but permission will be requested prior). At this stage we are just trialing it for the use of information to pass on messages.
Please search us on facebook - Geraldine Kindergarten, be sure not to select the 2012 Scarecrow Trail.
We look forward to updating this to keep in touch with you next term
Last day treat
What a treat it was on the last day of term two to take all of the children to the movies as part of our Nohonga Tahitanga Iwa-establishing a sense community friday walks. The children had been counting down the sleeps until they could watch Wi
nnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. We all snuggled up with blankets and the children were quickly engrossed in the movie. They could be heard with peels of laughter which quickly became infectious.

Thursday, 11 July 2013
Farewell luncheon to Gael
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Pizza making
There was great excitment beause yesterday the children had made cheese and today it was time to make the pizza using that cheese. Ashleigh had a recipe for a pizza base using yeast and it was quite a procees for it to raise and be kneaded twice. Omnce it was ready the children spread some sauce on and then added, pine apple, ham and cheese. There was a delicous fragrance comimg from the kitchen as they cooked. And the best thing was they tasted just as yummy.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Cheese Making at Kindergarten
On Friday a small group of us were lucky enough to be able to visit Talbot Forest Cheese - as part of Nohonga Tahitanga.
What an exciting time we had at the cheese factory learning about how cheese was made - to make 1kg of cheese we need 10litres of milk!
A lot of mathematical terms were explored as we looked at and touched different types of cheese - weight - predicting - shape - size - colour - comparisons - number.
We were even lucky to be able to taste Havarti and Rakapuka Red and compare the flavours and testures of each cheese - YUM YUM!
This morning Tash and Sandy came in with their hands full, ready to help us make some cheese. Tash has been out to the vat early this morning in the freezing cold to get us 6 litres of the freshest milk!
We enjoyed folowing the recipe and learning about the different chemicals that were needed to be measured into the milk to help it form into mozerella cheese!!
Owwwww it was so exciting when the timer went off and we were able to see how fast the milk had thickened up and turned into a big clump of cheese.
Thank you for your time - Tash and Sandy :)
Sorry we are unable to upload photos this afternoon - will try again tomorrow for you!
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Pyjama Brunch at Geraldine Kindergarten
Kiaorana! Lilley arrived back from her holiday in Rarotonga!
"We didn't have to race this morning to get changed for Kindy!" One parent commented.
The children arrived with vigour and excitement and they even bought their toothbrush and paste for after the brunch. They were so excited to be in their Pyjamas and the day was so warm and slightly windy at times they made the best of the opportunity to be outside in trolly's, sandpit, and the carpentry area making wind mills!
Inside the menu was set and a huge thank you to the parents who arrived (in their pj's too!) to help out - the porridge was made, toast and pancakes were cooked, jams, honey, yoghurt, and fresh fruit were placed on tables for the children to choose and sit down mahi tahi.
The children told Gael they liked the pancakes! The pancakes that Helen cooked because they were BIG!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
What's in the box?
It's always exciting getting parcels from the courier, and guessing what might be in there. Yesterday the children in the afternoon session enjoyed opening a brown cardboard box. It was fun taking the layers of paper off and finding what was packed inside.
Haere mai kite titiro/come to look. He aha o whakaro ? What do you think.....?
A cow/kau
Monday, 1 July 2013
More maths at Kindergarten.
One of the many maths predictions at kotahitanga time today was- "there will be 100 boys". We had already counted the girls, 17. Let's start counting together how many boys there are here today............ 17 ! An equal number, ka mau te wehi, that's amazing. We used the number board to count a second time, that way we also become more familiar with what numbers look like.
Food Glorious Food
This-morning Holly's mum (Tash) came in and worked with the children cutting up fruit and using the dehydrator. Apples, pineapple, banana and tamarillos, were peeled and sliced. Innes said "that apple looks like a boat." He pai koe ki te whakaaro pēna/ that’s good thinking. Michael " Hey no, it's a triangle" (looking at the pineapple)Emily and Innes explained to Claire- you dip the apple,(in the cold water) then shake it and put it on the tray." The dehydrator is buzzing away in the kitchen, tomorrow morning we will be able to see how the fruit has changed. We have been interested in other things changing state too, water being heated and making vapour, water freezing into ice.

Ka pai o mahi tamariki ma- good group work children.

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